
PubSub to BigTable - Piping your Data Stream in via GCP Cloud Functions

View the Project on GitHub krapes/pubsub_bigtable

ETL Pipeline - PubSub/BigTable

This is an expermental/example pipeline for backend data migration of event data to a long-term (performance ) database. The objectives of this project are to:

Getting Started

This service utilizes the Serverless Framework setup for resource management. For comprehensive information vist the info page.

TLDR version:

Initial Deployment

1) Install serverless and verify

npm install -g serverless
serverless --version

2) Install the GCP plugin

npm install --save serverless-google-cloudfunctions

3) Download credential files and place them in your home directory with the naming convention of “~/PROJECT_NAME.json” 4) Deploy service Note: STAGE_NAME can be: [‘dev’, ‘test’, ‘prod’]

sls deploy --stage STAGE_NAME --project PROJECT_NAME
Note: --stage and --project are optional parameters

Updating Service / Redeploy

After changes have been made to the service an “update” can be preformed to deploy those changes to the cloud. To preform the update run the same deployment command as before (and the Serverless Framework will handle the rest).

sls deploy --stage STAGE_NAME --project PROJECT_NAME
Note: --stage and --project are optional parameters

A service update has two key charristics: 1) Data in the DataBase (BigTable) will not be deleted 2) It will (generally) be faster than a full deployment

Deleting/Removing Service

If a service needs to be removed use the following command:

sls remove

WARNING: Removing a service will delete everything in the databases (BigTable)

Resetting DB/ Removing Data from Tables

While most data stores allow for deletion of data on an entry by entry basis, the fastest way to drop a table from BigTable is to remove the service and redeploy it.

sls remove && sls deploy

WARNING: This will remove ALL the tables and data from BigTable

Running the Simulator

After deploying the service the simulator can be run at anytime inside the dev and test enviorments. The simulator can not be run in the production enviorment The simulateAccesoData function is tied to an http trigger. To begin the simulation run the following command from the terminal.

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"limit": 10, "speedFactor": 120}' \ 

NOTE: The above example runs in the dev enviorment inside the project empack-238417 in the region us-central1. To modify any of these variables see the framework below:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"limit": NUMER_OF_EVENTS, "speedFactor": VELOCITY_OF_SIMULATION, "project": PROJECT_NAME}' \ 

NOTE: The above example runs in the dev enviorment inside the project empack-238417 in the region us-central1. To modify any of these variables see the framework below:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"limit": NUMER_OF_EVENTS, "speedFactor": VELOCITY_OF_SIMULATION, "project": PROJECT_NAME}' \ 

Pipeline Definition

The current pipeline setup is as seen below:

Looking forward, future architectures could include:

Why the are the Escribir Event and Calcular Cuenta functions together in the Current pipeline but seperated in the Going Forward version?

Why use “Fan-on”? Why not run everything in one function?

Why have two PubSubs? Why not attach the calculation functions to the same topic as Escribir Event?

Table Definition

Use Cases

A BigTable pipeline is best suited for a non-transactional, High-volume data flows where access patterns are predictable.

The schema for the current DB is:

Function Definitions



It’s common when deploying the service to a new stage to see the following error:

            "message":"Instance projects/empack-238417/instances/iotincoming not  found.",
            "statusMessage":"Not Found",

If you navigate to the GCP Console > Deployment Mangement > SERVICENAME (in this case “etlservice”) you will see a move detalled error description.

In the case mentioned above the issues is that the BigTable instance has not finished deploying before an attempt is made to create the table. The solution is to repeate the sls deploy command.

If you execute sls deploy and encounter the following error it’s because the deploy process hasn’t finished for your previous execution. The solution is to wait a minute of two and try it again. If you would like to monitor the progress of your deployment (to know when the service will be unlocked for a redeploy) you can access it in the console at GCP Console > Deployment Mangement > SERVICENAME

 Resource 'projects/empack-238417/global/deployments/sls-etlservice-dev' has an ongoing conflicting 
 operation: 'projects/empack-238417/global/operations/